You need a driving instructor to help you when you start learning to drive. In the beginning, you need to listen very carefully to the instructions and be very careful. Gradually you become better at it and can drive without an instructor, but still, you have to be very careful. It takes a few months of practice to become a safe driver. During this time, you build new nerve pathways in your brain.
This is the magic of neuroplasticity in our brains. The nerves that fire with each other wire with each other. We can use the same magical capacity of our brain with Pain Reprocessing Therapy. With practice, you can teach your brain that pain is not a danger signal anymore, and you teach your subconscious mind that you are safe.
don’t need years of therapy to achieve this. All you need to do is to follow
the Mind-Body Temple practices properly. By doing these practices, the
volume of pain in your brain can go down and even be gone. As the old saying
goes: Practice makes perfect.